Monday 29 October 2012



Step 1: Place the logo in the middle of the cup.

Step 2: Add 3 blue lines, one on top of the logo, the other two at the bottom of the logo.

Step 3: Form green lines.

Step 4: Adjust the lines in the way you like. Add more lines if you want to.

Final Artwork 

I've decided to use lines as my background for cup packaging. Lines to me is simple and never out of trend. Chosen lines in green is to balance back the leaves on the logo (without colour), where the red lines represents berries colour. By using lines i formed some pattern and make it as my based for the cup packaging. I am here to achieve "Simple". 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Berries Land Logo Design Final(redo)!


There's Tutti Frutti as my main competitor, therefore by doing research on their product, design, color and so on will help me in my logo design. Tutti Frutti's logo comes with three different fruits together with the name- Tutti Frutti and bottom with "frozen yogurt".

It comes with three different- orange, yellow and green.


Bryan, (2011). Retrieved from

Concept and Ideation 

In my mind comes with berries, first of all i have my own so call nick name- sherrberries. Since frozen yogurt are more likely comes with strawberries, blueberries, and here I name my logo as BERRIES LAND. Which the main yogurt product would be in berries flavor.


This is the first sketch that i did,

The artwork came randomly, no meaning, simply a logo. It is because i use to draw without planning what to draw and end up with something unexpected. Anyhow i still did this in illustrator as i thought im going to use this as my logo. :

I uses reflect effect for the "Land" word is to attracts people attention and with some creativity.

This are my other sketches so i will come out with more ideas and i have more to choose.

In illustrator form :
This is also one of my sketches as I decided to redo my logo. 


1) Show grids so that it's easier to balance. 

2) Picked a picture from Internet to trace berry. 

Referencing: Maria Zainoullina, (2003-2012). Image ID: 60611872Retrieved from 

 3) Trace berry.

4) Change the brush definition. 

5) Apply gradient to the cherry.

6) Create blue berries with ellipses.

7) Apply gradient so that it shows 2D effect. 

 8) Trace leaves with a picture from Internet.

Referencing: Michigan Blueberries, (2000-2012). Retrieved from

9) And place the leaves together with blueberries.

10) Create strawberry with pen tool. Apply gradient as well.

11) Apply dots so it looks more like a strawberry.

12) Put all three of them together.

13) It becomes a more simple and understandable logo for yogurt product. 

Final Artwork

So this is my artwork in the end of the day. First of all, i redo is because lecturer does not understand and the previous logo seems complicated to him. Other than that, i have seek opinions from my friends around and they agree that my previous logo doesn't look like a yogurt product logo, so i decided to redo and my motivation is on. 

Here i come out with 3 type of berries- cherry, blueberries and strawberry. It totally matches the name of the logo which is Berries Land. This three logo place in vertical order because it looks different from any other similar product and it grabs attention. It looks more elegant to me when it place in vertical form. The leaves are without color fill, the main reason of it is for the berries to stand out from the logo.  

Monday 8 October 2012

Berries Land logo design


There's Tutti Frutti as my main competitor, therefore by doing research on their product, design, color and so on will help me in my logo design. Tutti Frutti's logo comes with three different fruits together with the name- Tutti Frutti and bottom with "frozen yogurt".

It comes with three different- orange, yellow and green.


Bryan, (2011). Retrieved from

Concept and Ideation 

In my mind comes with berries, first of all i have my own so call nick name- sherrberries. Since frozen yogurt are more likely comes with strawberries, blueberries, and here I name my logo as BERRIES LAND. Which the main yogurt product would be in berries flavor.


This is the first sketch that i did,

The artwork came randomly, no meaning, simply a logo. It is because i use to draw without planning what to draw and end up with something unexpected. Anyhow i still did this in illustrator as i thought im going to use this as my logo. :

I uses reflect effect for the "Land" word is to attracts people attention and with some creativity.

This are my other sketches so i will come out with more ideas and i have more to choose.

In illustrator form :


1) Type logo name

2) Type Berries & Land in a separate text.

3) Select "Land", put into reflect effect.

 4) Select the reflected "Land"and create outlines.

5) Then each letter is in individual now.

6) Enlarge the "L" without holding shift key so it will look longer.

7) Go to the symbols panel, select flower. Then select symbol sprayer tool on the left bar. Start spraying.

8) Spray more.
 9) Select symbol screener tool on your left to create tones.

 10) Select "L" and fill in color.

11) Go to control panel on top and select brush definition.

12) Copy and paste the "L" and change the fill color.

 13) Erase the upper part of "L".

14) Place the remaining "L" at the pink "L". So it will combine the two colors.

15) Select the flower and put in round corners effect. 

 16) Select the flower and put in inner glow effect.

17) Select the same flower and go to effect, stylize and choose scribble.

18) Last but not least, select flower and put in roughen effect.

19) And place back the flower near the words.

Final Artwork

This is my final artwork for logo design. I choose Berries Land is because i personally like berries a lot and as well as berries is the significant fruits for yogurt. 
Flowers are in the logo makes people feel warm and fresh, i believe. Flowers brings lively feeling too. 
Whereas the letter "L" is in two colors, because i want it to be unisex. Even though there's not fact saying that female must be pink or red and male has to be blue, however people tend to perceive it that way. The same sense, i combined this two colors is to create the feeling where whoever they are, they are always welcome to the shop. In the logo, i try to achieve balance through letters by using reflection for "land".