Thursday 29 November 2012

Poster Design

This yogurt poster that i found on the Internet, where i find it interesting of its background color. Therefore in my poster i decided to do something similar to the background. 

Besides, I've also find this poster on the Internet, 
and i think that it is really cute, with cartoonish picture. And so, i've decided to put in eyes image in my poster. 


Bryant, (2010). Retrieved from,r:0,s:0,i:83&tx=174&ty=70&vpx=4&vpy=139&hovh=177&hovw=285

Anonymous. Retrieved from


These is my sketching.

                                                                    Rough Sketching

Last sketch before I start it on illustrator

Steps on illustrator

1 Starting with the outline of an eye. and a copy of logo.

2 More details on eyes.

3 Color the eyes based on the berries color of the logo.

4 Create a new blank file, and put two colors and combine them for the background.

5 Copy paste the eyes that already done, and place the logo at upper-center. Add on mouth and frame.

6 Insert words "Frozen Yogurt" above the eyes.

7 Add effects on the word.

8 Lastly, create effect on the logo itself.

Final Design 

From the research i did on the Internet, it grabs my attention about the combine color of background, therefore i've did the same concept where i combined two different color for the background. 

I place the logo in the upper-center is because by visualizing the poster, viewer tend to get the attention from the eyes first and goes up to the logo. So they will eventually know my logo and the "Frozen Yogurt"words tell what is the product would be. 
I believe that nowadays, there is many way or techniques to create a effective poster or unforgettable poster. And i hope my poster will attracts people from the eyes at the first glance. 


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